On Wednesday p.m., I went to see the movie "Des hommes et des dieux" which is the story about the 7 Cistercian monks who were kipnapped and murdered in Algeria back in 1996. It is, indeed, a powerful movie which demonstrated well the struggles, yet the enduring faith, of these men. They were truly pastors of the flock entrusted to them. In this case, most of the surrounding villagers were Muslim. That did not stop them from being there for them and witnessing their faith. Overall, it was a very lovely movie encouraging those watching the movie to grow in their love for God and for all humankind.
Tomorrow is the feast of Christ the King and the gospel is one of my favourites... the thief on the cross asking to be "remembered" when Jesus comes into His Kingdom. Bishop Sheen liked to say that the thief remained a thief until his dying breath for he stole heaven! I think all of us can empathize with the "good thief" for we all find ourselves as lowly and sinful creatures when we come before Almighty God. However, He lets Himself be "stolen". This is the one time we are allowed to steal!!! One cannot but marvel at this "good thief" who sees, at least by human standards, a fellow "criminal" being crucified like him, yet is able to recognize the divinity of the Incarnate Christ. May we have the faith to contemplate the Crucified Christ and ask Him to remember us in our day-to-day lives, so that we may, one day, come to be with Him for life everlasting! Mary, help us grow daily in love for Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!
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