Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First comments

I had been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time now.  However, like many things in my life, it just wasn't the time yet.  In my meditation this morning, a sort of inspiration (could it possibly be from the Holy Spirit?) was indicated to me that now is the time.  I want this blog to be a search for, a meditation on, or a reflection of the truth, or rather, I should say, the Truth, who ultimately is God.  I hope to share with my readers (if ever I get any!) some thoughts and reflections on the Scriptures, the Church, the saints, or just life in general, especially life in the missions.  I consider myself to be a missionary through and through.  It is my firm desire to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.  That should be a desire of every Christian!  I hope that this blog will accomplish part of that desire.
I was on Facebook for a number of years, but will soon be canceling my participation in that website (if I am allowed to do that!).  Why, you may ask?  Frankly, I have wasted too many hours fumbling through people's sometimes idiotic comments and seeing their friends and their friends' friends for just too long.  Enough is enough.  I don't believe, and you may disagree with me, that Facebook is necessarily the way for spreading the Gospel.  If there are others that can work through that, may God bless them, but I prefer being able to communicate this way.
This morning's 1st reading was taken from Ephesians 5: 21-33.  Quite a number of things struck as I prayed with this passage.  Of course, feminists may say that women get the wrong end of the stick in this letter, or that Paul was speaking from the confines of thought in his day, but I don't see it like that.  Rather, I believe that men really have a challenge here!  Listen carefully, "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."  How did Christ give Himself up for the Church?  All the way to the cross!  His love for the Church got him killed, and that is the love that husbands are supposed to have for their wives.  That is real love (agape in Greek and, of course, that is the verb Paul uses here in the Greek text).  To show what this means in real life, Paul goes on to say that "husbands should love their wives as their own bodies.  He who loves his wife loves himself."  A bit later in this passage, Paul will have to concede that "This mystery is a profound one."  The Greek says, "This mystery is 'mega'", in other words, huge!  It is indeed "mega" and one which we should meditate on often in searching for the Truth about male and female, husband and wife.  I hope to be able to come back to this meditation for another day.  In the meantime, I believe that this is enough for a first post.
As I would often end my classes when I was teaching, I say to you, "Have a great day, God bless you, and see you tomorrow, God willing!!!"

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