Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thanks, thanks and more thanks!

It is not possible to thank God enough for all the wonders He does for us!  However, I wish to extend a great "thank you" to him at this time, as I finished my exams for my 3rd and final year of theological studies.  Praised be Jesus Christ!  It is only thanks to the prayers of many that I have been able to finish these three beautiful, yet challenging, years of my life.  I must thank them as well!  Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank all the benefactors who made it possible for me to study in Rome over the past three years.  I am so grateful to all of the above!

Even though these have been beautiful years, I am ready to head back to Jamaica.  Before that, I will stopping over in DC to visit a very good friend of mine along with his newly wedded wife.  I am looking forward to spending a few days with them before heading off to the Caribbean.  What is in the future for me?  God only knows.  I just hope and pray that He will give me the strength and courage to do whatever He may ask of me in the upcoming months.  I leave it all in His hands.  May God be praised now and forever!!!!  Amen!

In my previous post, I remarked (four months ago!) that I might not have much time during the semester to do much blogging.  That was perhaps the truest thing I have ever written!